Most Trusted Corporate Gifting Company in India

Welcome to Procter - Corporate gifting Company! Call 9920912300 for instant suppport.

Features & Specifications
  • INTRO: Enjoy the delightful flavors of loose leaf teas where ever you are with this tea strainer. Perforations in the infuser allows easy release of tea flavor.
  • USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Push knob inwards, Scoop tea leaves into infuser, release knob to close infuser, place infuser in a cup and pour hot water & steep tea as desired. Remove infuser from cup and enjoy a perfectly brewed cup of tea.
  • WASH CARE: Empty used tea leaves, wash with dish washing liquid & water and dry with soft cloth.

Widest Range

of corporate gift

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Price Gaurantee

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All the products shown on the website can be imprinted with logo / artwork provided by client with additional branding charges. The branding color and size depends on product material, dimensions and quantity. Few of the branding techniques we use are - digital UV printing, silk screen printing, laser engraving, embossing etc. Click here to see details for each technique.

Prices for MOQ are mentioned with all products without add-on charges - branding, packaging and delivery. Because of the multiple factors involved in final product, we suggest you to shortlist product and ask our sales team for the best prices according to finalized quantity.

Gift wrapping can be done with default paper(charges depending on product).

Our minimum order quantity varies across products. Approximate MOQ is mentioned in each product's description, although we can consider little smaller orders also. Product and branding cost both vary with quantity, higher the quantity, lower the price.

Individual message printing is possible on some of the products, which are printed with UV digital printing or laser engraving. You can talk to our sales support for possibility of personalization.

Almost all the products displayed on website are either ready stock or can be manufactured in short time. Usually, we take 5-7 days' time to print and dispatch the products. Few items, which are under EXPRESS DELIVERY collection, can be dispatched within as low as 2 working days with branding. Depending on order quantity PROCTER sales team can confirm the stock availability OR lead time if some item is not readily available.

Our prices does vary with quantity, so for higher order quantity the discount will be more. We can also provide free logo branding and delivery for high value orders.

Kitchen Tools

Kitchen Tools and utility products


Goodwyn is a producer owned tea brand which was born out of sheer passion to bring tea lovers the authentic and freshest tea from our sprawling 9000 acre plantation in Assam.

We have embarked on a journey to provide all tea lovers around the world with single origin teas handpicked from our own estates thus restoring the authenticity and uniqueness of your teas.

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